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Published on 29 January 2024 at 10:00


Jan 28, 2024·By Mo Atef

Choosing the right school shoes for your child is an important decision. Not only do they need to be comfortable and supportive, but they also need to withstand the wear and tear of a busy school day. Here are some key factors to consider when buying school shoes for your little one.

Comfort and Fit

When it comes to school shoes, comfort is key. Look for shoes that provide good arch support and cushioning to keep your child's feet comfortable throughout the day. It's important to ensure that the shoes fit properly, with enough room for the toes to wiggle but not so loose that they slip off.


School shoes need to be durable enough to withstand the rigors of daily wear. Opt for shoes made from high-quality materials that can handle scuffs, scrapes, and the occasional muddy playground. A sturdy sole and reinforced stitching can go a long way in ensuring the longevity of the shoes.

Style and Design

While functionality is paramount, the style and design of the shoes also matter. Many schools have specific guidelines regarding the color and style of shoes, so be sure to check the dress code before making a purchase. Look for a design that your child likes and that complements their school uniform.


Easy to Clean

Let's face it – kids can be messy. Look for school shoes that are easy to clean and maintain. Opt for materials that can be wiped down or machine-washed to keep the shoes looking fresh and presentable throughout the school year.


Children's feet can sweat, especially during physical activities. Choose school shoes that are breathable to help keep their feet cool and dry. Look for shoes made from materials that allow air circulation to prevent unpleasant odours and discomfort.


Price and Value

While it's tempting to opt for the cheapest option, investing in a quality pair of school shoes can save you money in the long run. Well-made shoes may cost more upfront, but they are likely to last longer, saving you from having to replace them frequently.

Proper Care and Maintenance

Once you've found the perfect pair of school shoes, it's essential to teach your child how to care for them properly. Encourage them to store their shoes neatly, clean them regularly, and avoid wearing them in rough or muddy conditions to prolong their lifespan.

By considering these factors when purchasing school shoes, you can ensure that your child is equipped with comfortable, durable, and stylish footwear for the school year ahead.

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